Il requisito minimo per l’ottenimento del diploma base è quello di avere confermati 5 diversi nominativi compresi nell’elenco riportato sulla WAP Directory, nella sessione:Antarctic Event Stations.

I collegamenti possono essere effettuati su tutte le bande radioamatoriali e modi di emissione SSB, CW, RTTY,EME, SAT, PSK-31.


Per l’ottenimento del diploma occorre presentare il form all’Award Manager:
IØOCD Christine..Renaud


Sin dal 1° gennaio 2015 il diploma diventa telematico per cui non più cartaceo. Il file compilato con tutte le convalide sarà inviato via mail e potrà essere stampato dal richiedente su carta di propria scelta anche se è consigliabile la carta fotografica.

i0ocd.chris@gmail.com +39 349 7664494 quanto segue:
• Richiesta datata e firmata contenente i seguenti dati: nominativo stazione collegata, relativa referenza WAP, data, ora gmt, frequenza, modo, rapporto dato e ricevuto.

• Non sono necessarie le QSL ma la richiesta che verrà inviata all’Award Manager dovrà essere vistata e firmata da 2 OM della propria sezione di appartenenza.

Il WAP A.S.E.A. award ingloba tutti i nominativi speciali ed i call usati nelle ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEKS (AAW) , in altri termini tutti i nominativi che sono stati attivati negli anni per celebrare l’Antardide, ma che non hanno mai trasmesso dall’Antardide.
Insieme ai nominativi ANT validi è compresa ( ma non referenziata con un numero WAP ) la Stazione Club LU2CN del servizio Auxiliar de la Armada Argentina che cura i collegamenti con le spedizioni Antartiche di quel paese.
Sono validi i nominativi speciali, internazionali, inclusi nella sessione ANTARCTIC EVENT STATIONS della WAP Directory scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito www.waponline.it

La Directory WAP costituisce il riferimento ufficiale per il presente diploma. Il diploma WAP A.S.E.A. ad tutti gli OM ed SWL che ne fanno richiesta a far data 01-01-2006.

• Il diploma WAP ASEA è GRATUITO.
Il diploma WAP ASEA consiste in un certificato in carta patinata a colori, personalizzato della dimensione A3.
Le classifiche e i nominativi dei possessori del diploma verranno inseriti sul sito WAP e verrà data comunicazione all’ARI H.Q. per la pubblicazione delle graduatorie sull’organo ufficiale dell’ARI “Radio Rivista”.
Il presente regolamento costituisce parte integrante del diploma e verrà inviato al C.D.N. per l’inserimento nell’elenco dei diplomi ARI.
WAP A.S.E.A AWARD (english rule)
WAP A.S.E.A AWARD http://www.reddolphin.it/AWA-AWARD.asp is Managed by IØOCD Christine Renaud.

WAP A.S.E.A Award, incorporates all the special Event's calls been activated in the years to celebrate Antarctica, including the calls used during the Antarctic Activity WEEKS (AAW). These stations have never operate from Antarctica, but only celebrate the Icy Continent by any means.
Among the ANT suffixes there are several other calls, all recognized by a WAP Ref. number. Special and international events calls included in a session named "Antarctic Event Stations" on the WAP-WACA Directory, are therefore valid. WAP WACA Directory is free downloadable from WAP web site at www.waponline.it and it lists all the Special Event Callsigns valid also for WAP-ASEA.
WAP ASEA is achievable by working at least 5 of the hundreds Special Event Stations listed on the WAP-WACA Directory; all bands and modes are allowed. To get the Award, it's necessary to send the Award Manager IØOCD Christine Renaud (i0ocd.chris@alice.it) a Log extract with the list of the stations worked, filled with Callsign, WAP reference, date, GMT time, Frequency, Mode, RST given and received. An application form (to be used in place of an own log extract), is also available by clicking on the yellow ASEA-FORM Download window on http://www.reddolphin.it/ASEA-AWARD.asp web site.
From January 1st 2015 to cut expensive costs, this certificate is only available in electronic format, so that it can be printed by the applicant, on his choice even if it is recommended to use photo paper.
WAP A.S.E.A. certificate is FREE and consists in a personalized coated color paper certificate (A3 size).
Name and Score of the owners will be inserted on the WAP web site and it will be relayed to A.R.I. - H.Q. in order to publish the related scores on "Radio Rivista", the official magazine of A.R.I. (Italian Amateur Radio Association).

The base diploma is achievable by working at least 5 of the 43 Special Event Stations listed on the WAP Directory, list, in the session: Antarctic Event Stations.
The connections can be carry out on all the Ham Radio’s bands and ways of emission SSB, CW, RTTY, EME, SAT, PSK-31.
To get the Award, it is necessary to exhibit to the Award Manage the application formr:

IØOCD Christine Renaud

Since 1 January 2015 the diploma becomes telematics for which no more paper . 
The compiled file with all validations will be sent via email and can be printed
by the applicant on paper of his choice even if it is recommended photo paper 


email to i0ocd.chris@gmail.com +39 349 7664494 as much as follows:

• • Application form, dated and signed, filled of the following datas: Callsign of the station worked, respective WAP reference, date, GMT time, frequency, mode, RST given and received..

• • QSL are not necessary but on request they have to be sent to the Award Manager for check. The application, have to be signed by 2 OM as check.

• • The WAP A.S.E.A. diploma is ABSOLUTLY FREE

Diploma WAP A.S.E.A. consists in a certificate in coated coloured paper, personalized of the A3 dimension.
The score classification and the names of the owners of WAP A.S.E.A. will be inserted on the WAP web site and it will be communicated to A.R.I. - H.Q. in order to publish the score on “Radio Rivista”, the official magazine of the A.R.I..
The present regulations constitutes integrating part of the diploma and will be send to the ARI HQ for its insertion in the Directory of A.R.I.’s diplomas.